"Hyperreality Hunger (or Wittgenstein's Waifu)"
an apocalypse wrapped in a mystery box inside an Easter egg hunt, published in Brave New Words Vol. 1, a multi-lingual anthology that imagines im/possible futurespublished by Paper Trail Projects - buy it from the link above
a second-person ontological mystery set in a resort (of sorts), published in the Road Trip issue of Weird Fiction Quarterly, August 2024SHORT FICTIONbuy it from the link above
a dystopian census-taking misadventure, published in Ruin and Resolve: Pinoy SF for Charity, December 2009download it from the link above
"The First of the Gang to Die"
A group of teenage boys make a reality-altering discovery in an empty lot, circa 1993. Published in Philippine Speculative Fiction Vol. 4, February 2009.currently out of print